Tonight I am blogging again about the difficult situation Italy is in. Surely nobody abroad knows how horrible the situation is, and according to the web, it is worse in Greece. We should not let other think for us or believe in what the national networks tell us, please do collect informations also from other sources, travel if you can, talk to the people but most of all judge for yourself!
It's time to react ...
For those who can read Italian I will paste here a piece of news , for the others I summarize the article for you: a 34 years old man , unemployed, with a 4 years old son had no money to buy something to eat and in full despair he entered an alimentary shop and stole 1 litre milk, some cheese and a bottle of olive oil for a total amount of 11 Euro. Well he was caught, taken to the court and sentenced immediately to 6 month jail.
We recently had a politician who stole millions, sentenced guilty, who still walks free.
Where's justice? Where's Humanity and compassion?
I am really sad...
here's the article:
"Cari amici,
Filippo è un 34enne e padre di un
bambino di 4 anni, l’azienda per cui lavorava ha dovuto tagliare il
personale, ed alcuni dipendenti si sono trovati senza soldi e lavoro,
tra cui anche Filippo.
Da quando ha perso il lavoro, Filippo
non sa più come cavarsela, dopo mesi e mesi in cerca di un lavoro ed un
figlio di quattro anni da crescere, Filippo non ha avuto alternativa.
Niente di eclatante, due settimane fa era stato sorpreso a rubare del
pane ed una bottiglia di latte, processato per direttissima, gli erano
stati inflitti cinque mesi con la condizionale.
Il 19 Maggio alle ore 9:44 Filippo entra
all’interno di un supermercato in provincia di Roma, continua a girare
per le corsie, davanti a lui trova una fetta di arrosto € 3,50
centesimi, un pezzo di formaggio € 2.95 centesimi ed una bottiglia
d’olio € 4.80 centesimi, per un totale di € 11.95.
Filippo porta con se una borsetta rossa,
si guarda intorno e decide di far scivolare prima il formaggio e
successivamente l’0lio e l’arrosto, ma sopra di lui una telecamere di
sorveglianza riprende quanto accaduto, nel frattempo il personale di
sorveglianza decide di chiamare la Polizia.
Filippo viene portato al commissariato di zona, dove confessa quanto successo: “Ho
rubato perché a casa mi aspetta un figlio di 4 anni da sfamare, non
sono un ladro ma sono disoccupato e senza soldi, non abbiamo nemmeno un
pezzo di pane da mettere sotto ai denti, oggi mi trovo qui a rubare un
pezzo di formaggio per mangiare“.
Filippo viene processato e condannato a 6 mesi di carcere, da scontare a Regina Coeli."
taken from:
The freebie for tonight:
As usual all my creations are for free and for personal use only.
All I'm asking is a little bit of patience in reading this post's few lines to find the download link which is hidden in the post.
Once you reach the linked word and you move your mouse over it, it gets highlighted or changes colour (it depends on how you browser setting regarding links are configured). Click it and you will be taken to 4shared.
You will be prompted for a password. The password is: diluvio
PS: if you don't find the link (it's there I grant this) drop me a note or a comment but give me a way to contact you back... , I will be more than happy to help you out as this is not a treasure hunt, it's just a way to let you read my post.
Please leave a comment, a little love is always appreciated!
All I'm asking is a little bit of patience in reading this post's few lines to find the download link which is hidden in the post.
Once you reach the linked word and you move your mouse over it, it gets highlighted or changes colour (it depends on how you browser setting regarding links are configured). Click it and you will be taken to 4shared.
You will be prompted for a password. The password is: diluvio
PS: if you don't find the link (it's there I grant this) drop me a note or a comment but give me a way to contact you back... , I will be more than happy to help you out as this is not a treasure hunt, it's just a way to let you read my post.
Please leave a comment, a little love is always appreciated!
2 commenti:
I agree, going to jail when you are just trying to feed your child while crooked politicians walk free is wrong. Also thank you for your lovely gift. kacy
Such a shame
I cant find the link
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