26 novembre 2010

Love is really free + freebie

Have you ever had problems with your family? It happened to me a couple of years ago, I did not feel loved at all, I had the impression to be always the second choice.... not the preferred child, not the right granddaughter, not the perfect friend.... sometimes I really had the sensation to be invisible. I felt I could have disappeared and no one would have ever notice that. Of course I had my DH and DS, but apart from them I felt the void. It was a really hard time but now it is over. I learned a lot in the meanwhile, first of all to accept the others even parents and grandparents for what they are and the second lesson is not to have expectations. I have hope and faith but I do not expect anything in my life, I do not take anything for granted, not even love. Love appreciation, consideration are treasures and if they are given out freely , not as an obligation, they are the best gifts of all. Everyday is filled with joy for the things I receive and the feelings I perceive. Joy is inside, it's an attitude of  my soul, it's in every second of my life, even in the darkest hours I feel the joy as I know pain and or sorrow will not last forever, they will soon disappear and be replaced by love and light. Another lesson I learned is that sometimes love comes from people you do not know so well, without a reason. It is simply there. 

This is what happened to me and my family. We met a wonderful woman, she has a wonderful soul and even if we do not even speak the same language, my DH my DS and me we felt a more higher love connection with this lovely grandma ( and we are requited), and this is how my son call her, she's the Rumanian's nonna (grandma). She's wonderful.

Pretty frames  by ? (let me know if you recognize the frame so that I can credit properly)
free_QP_BirdsSinging for the background

Not having posted anything for quite a long time I decided to reward my readers ( if there is someone reading my rigmarole out there). Christmas is just 30 days away, so I think you can make good use of this little train freebie. Enjoy it and take a little time to leave a couple of words. I do love reading comments.

The link expired!

May love be always with you.

4 commenti:

CBH ha detto...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Nov. 26, 2010. Thanks again.

Anonimo ha detto...

thank you for the freebie and i am glad that is well with you and your family. Our parents and siblings may not live up to storybook expectations but good or bad they are part of us. Love them as they are and love yourself, accept yourself as you are and life will flow smoother. Besides, you are very talented and you make those of us on a budget with your freebies very happy!! sandra

Linda ha detto...

Hello and Thank you so much for this lovely little train...

myrrhmaid319 ha detto...

Thank-you very much! I love this little train.