5 settembre 2010

Tons of freebies

Just a quick post today to inform you that over at  the studio there are tons of mini kits freebies to collect, all made using the same colors, a big huge maga kit in my opinion. It is the Next Designer Contest Week 1, and I am taking part in it. I can not ask you to vote fro me as we all got a new secret identity to play with to avoid popularity issues. Hope this measure works eh eh. Take time to pay a visit to the site and if you are registered you can vote and download more than 100 minis, not bad uh?

Now on to another contest I am taking part in, on the very same site: the Layout competition. What I ask is to have a look in the gallery. And if you want to vote for my Layout which is called The Mirror. The link for voting is here. Hop in and vote for me.

My layout is this:

I created the clothes of A. by selecting and recoloring and using a clipping mask with the papers kit, ornaments are made from the very same elements of the kit by cutting and mixing parts of them. I tried to design some sort of Minimei scene (have you seen that movie?).

Autumn Kiss by Mitsybelle
Font: Kunstler Script

Take some time and vote for me!

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