Last week I took part at a brushes competition over at biorust, I love competitions even if I have never won .... sigh sigh..... I created a set of brushes, on the theme parchment. I love using parchment or teared borders in my layouts but I seldom find freebies of them, plus I find that creating a teared border is really boring..... so....IDEA...I try to design a rolled parchment starting from a blank page obtaining a satisfying result. I am so pleased with the result that I collect all that I had done and created a freebie brush set. I submitted it to the competition and now as I am not within the six finalists I decided to share this set also directly on my blog.
I hope you will enjoy my work and if you do please take a moment to leave a message, it is always appreciated.
The download link is hidden as usual somewhere inside this post, the password is CarpeDiem, have fun!
freebie expired
freebie expired
4 commenti:
Hello and Thank you for these Parchment brushes...
Thank you Marzia, I am happy, I found the download-link :-D
Awesome. Thanks.
Thanks for the brushes - you should be one of the finalists!
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